January 13, 2025
The Roseburg Receiver Morning Scoop

Good morning Douglas County! Happy Monday! Here are today's updates live from the Roseburg Receiver Communications Center.
Today's Current Conditions
As of 6:30AM in Roseburg, Oregon
- Current Temp: 39°F
- Humidity: 85%
- Wind: 5 MPH N
- Current Conditions: Cloudy
- Air Quality Index: 16
- Today's Forecast: High 45 | Low 32
- Yesterday's Rain Levels (January 12th): 0.01 Inches
- January's Monthly Rainfall: 1.78 inches
Roseburg Area Morning News
KQEN News Radio

Roseburg Mayor Larry Rich will give his State of the City address as part of the first city council meeting for 2025 on Monday night.
Rich will make commission chair appointments while the council makes commission appointments. Councilors will elect a council president for the year.
Councilors will vote on a resolution to set a new council reimbursement amount for internet and phone service for the year. Other items are on the agenda as well.
The meeting will held in the council chambers beginning at 7:00 p.m. It can be seen on the city’s Facebook page or viewed later at: www.cityofroseburg.org
Mayor Larry Rich and City Manager Nikki Messenger will discuss the State of the City on Inside Douglas County Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. on News Radio 93-9 FM and 1240 KQEN.
KQEN News Radio

The City of Roseburg is now accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on the Budget Committee:
Drew Winkelmaier has more:
A city release said there are currently three vacancies on the committee. It meets as needed, generally at 6:00 p.m. during the spring to review the proposed annual budget, make any adjustments, and approve the budget.
Applicants must live within the Roseburg city limits.
Anyone interested in serving on this committee should complete an application form. They can be downloaded from the city’s website: www.cityofroseburg.org and found on the Budget Committee page. They are also available at the City Administration Office at City Hall on Southeast Douglas Avenue. For more information, call 492-6866.
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on March 14th.
KQEN News Radio

Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman was recently re-elected as President of the Association of O&C Counties.
A county release said AOCC membership unanimously chose Freeman for his ninth term in the role, at the organization’s annual meeting held December 13th in Salem.
In addition to Freeman, Polk County Commissioner Craig Pope was elected to his first term as Vice President, and Klamath County Commissioner Derrick DeGroot was elected to his first term as Secretary/Treasurer.
Freeman said, “I am truly honored to be elected to my ninth term as President of AOCC. I am grateful for the support of my fellow AOCC members, who trust me in leading this crucially important work”. Freeman said, “Together with my colleagues and the staff of AOCC, we will continue to work hard to secure solutions to manage our unique congressionally designated lands”.
AOCC represents the unique O&C timberlands in 18 western Oregon counties. Those counties host 2.1 million acres of O&C timberlands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The AOCC advocates for sustained yield management of O&C timberlands as required by the 1937 O&C Act, to protect and support jobs and local economies, county services and healthy timberlands.
For more information on AOCC go to: http://www.oandc.org/
KQEN News Radio

The Umpqua Valley Winegrowers Association has announced that Douglas C.A.R.E.S. has been selected as the charity partner for this year’s Greatest of the Grape event at Seven Feathers Casino Resort on Saturday, February 1st.
A UVWA release said as Oregon’s oldest and most celebrated wine festival, Greatest of the Grape showcases the premier wineries of the Umpqua Valley while raising funds for a deserving local cause.
Douglas C.A.R.E.S. advocates for children and families affected by abuse or neglect. The partnership offers an opportunity to highlight their work while generating financial support through the event’s signature “Wheel of Wine” fundraiser.
As part of the evening, attendees can purchase chances to spin the Wheel of Wine for $25, with each spin offering the chance to win a bottle of wine. These bottles are donated by participating wineries, and all proceeds from the activity will go directly to Douglas C.A.R.E.S.
Douglas C.A.R.E.S. Executive Director Sarah Wickersham said, “We are honored to have been selected as the charity recipient for the Wheel of Wine at this year’s Greatest of the Grape”. Wickersham said, “Our work touches the lives of many children in Douglas County, and we are grateful for the chance to highlight the services we provide while partnering with such an esteemed event”.
The event runs from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with early admission starting at 5:00 p.m. To purchase tickets and get more information, go to: https://www.umpquavalleywineries.org/events/
KQEN News Radio

The Umpqua Valley Youth Orchestra will be performing a winter concert on Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00 p.m. in Jacoby Auditorium at Umpqua Community College.
The concert is free and will have a family friendly atmosphere.
The evening will include musical selections from Holst’s The Planets, the theme from Halo, Mozart’s Symphony No. 25 and more. UVYO is a string orchestra of violin, viola, cello and bass players. This performance will include over 100 young musicians from around Douglas County, ages 6 and older.
For more information call 643-5035 or visit: https://www.umpquavalleyyo.org

Continuing a nearly two-decade tradition, Sherm's Thunderbird Market has delivered another massive food donation to Feeding Umpqua. The semi-truck, carrying approximately 30,000 pounds of food, arrived with owner Steve Olsrud present for the delivery.
Olsrud, who has operated in Roseburg since 2000, sees these donations as a way to reciprocate the community's longstanding support of his business. Over the past 19 years, Sherm's has contributed roughly 530,000 pounds of food through this initiative.
Feeding Umpqua, operated by the United Community Action Network, serves as a distribution hub for local food banks. According to Olsrud, channeling the donation through Feeding Umpqua ensures efficient distribution to schools, churches, and others in need throughout the region. Each truck delivery typically supplies the program for about two months.
Program Manager Sarah McGregor highlighted the significance of Sherm's contribution, noting it as their largest annual donation both in quantity and value. She praised Sherm's ongoing partnership, citing their additional support through discounted food procurement and fundraising assistance.
The Roseburg Receiver & Oregon State Fire Marshal

Over the last few days, there are many posts on various social media platforms that stated Oregon fire crews heading to Los Angeles were stopped in Sacramento because of the fire engine emissions. This is indeed false information. The Oregon State Fire Marshal released a statement about these claims:
"We want to clear up confusion about our Oregon firefighters and equipment sent to California to help with the wildfires. There is misinformation spreading on social media and from some news outlets claiming our equipment had to pass emissions tests and our equipment and firefighters were turned away or delayed.
Our firefighters left Oregon mid-morning on Wednesday (1/8) from various locations in the state. These strike teams traveled to Sacramento where they stayed the night. On Thursday (1/9) at 6 a.m., they went through a routine safety check with CAL Fire to make sure the engines are mechanically sound. CAL Fire posted on their social media channels detailing the process.
Our strike teams were scheduled to arrive in Southern California on Thursday. There was no delay in the process or travel. Our equipment is held to the highest safety standard to ensure the safety of our firefighters. This equipment also does not regularly travel hundreds of miles at a time. Firefighter safety is our number one priority.
No engine was turned away. They all completed the safety check, and all 15 strike teams arrived in Southern California on Thursday and began their 24-hour shift early Friday morning.
Please help us share this message. If you see any misinformation, please direct people to this post. We thank you for your support.
If you have questions, please reach out to us at ask.osfm@osfm.oregon.gov."
We want to remind everyone to check official sources for accurate information. It only takes one person spreading misinformation for false information to spread quickly.
Roseburg Area Upcoming Events
Limited Time Events
- Quilts & Christmas Exhibit @ Douglas County Museum | December 3rd - February 28th @ 10AM - 5PM | Link
- Sarah Nguyen: “Waiting for the Sun” @ Whipple Fine Arts Center | January 6th - February 5th | 10AM - 5PM | Link
- Oregon State Snowmobile Convention | January 16th - 18th | Diamond Lake Resort | Link
Monday, January 13th
- DJ Trivia Night @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7PM
- Open Mic Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 - 8 PM
- Dylan James LIVE at The Offyce Sports Bar & Grill | 6 - 8 PM | Link
Tuesday, January 14th
- Bingo @ Roseburg Elks Lodge #326 | 6:30 PM
- DJ Trivia @ Urban NY Pizza & Grill | 7 PM
- Glide and Idleyld Winter Market | (Every Tuesday) @ 10AM - 1PM | Glide Community Center Annex
- Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM
- Free Line Dancing Lessons - Elements Lounge @ Seven Feathers Casino Resort | Every week on Tuesday | 7 - 9PM | Link
- Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM
- Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lamplighter Cafe & Lounge | 6 - 8 PM | Link
- Erik & Cristina LIVE at Two Shy Brewing - Roseburg | 6 - 8 PM | Link
Wednesday, January 15th
- DJ Trivia @ Backside Brewing Co. | 6 - 7:30 PM
- Karaoke/Open Mic Night @ Idle Hour Tavern | 9 - 12:30 PM
- Trivia Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 9 PM
- Trivia Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 PM
- Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
- Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- Dylan James Clark LIVE at Two Shy Brewing - Roseburg | 6 - 8 PM | Link
Thursday, January 16th
- DJ Trivia @ North Forty Beer Company | 7 - 8:30 PM
- Kick Up the Dust - Line Dancing Lessons @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7 - 8 PM
- DJ Bingo @ Brix Bar & Grill | 7 - 9PM
- Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- DCMA Presents: The Eli Hansen Quartet at The Rosebud | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
- Draper Jam Night | 8 - 11:30 PM | Link
Friday, January 17th
- Friday Pizzas! @ Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards | 12 - 4PM
- Karaoke Night @ Winchester Pub & Grill | 8 - 11 PM
- TGIF Wine & Pizza @ Abacela | 4 - 7 PM
- Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
- Supper Club Dinner @ Melrose Vineyards | 5:30 - 7:30 PM | Link
- Walk-In Wine Tasting @ The Wine Destination | 4 - 7 PM | Link
- Community Clothing Swap at The Hive | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- Traditional Lion Dancers - Celebrate Chinese New Year | Seven Feathers Casino Resort | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- Timberwolf LIVE at The Winston VFW | 6 - 10 PM | Link
- English/Scottish Country Dancing | 865 SE Court St in Roseburg | 6:15 - 8:30 PM | Link
- Chophouse Presents: Hip-Hop at the Rosebud featuring: Alacrity, T.O.G., Cruk | 7 - 11 PM | Link
Saturday, January 18th
- Umpqua Valley Farmers Market | 9AM - 1PM | Link
- Drain Farmers Market | 308 N 1st St in Drain @ 10AM - 2PM
- Karaoke Night @ Brix Bar & Grill | (Every Saturday) @ 7 - 10PM
- Karaoke Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8PM | Link
- Challenge of the Champions Bullriding @ Douglas County Fairgrounds | 6PM | Link
- Misery Whip, Boltcutter, Tolls, Oddities, Breakneck Flow LIVE at The Rosebud | 6 - 10 PM | Link
- Red Rock LIVE at Sutherlin Eagles | 6 - 10 PM | Link
- Dylan James Clark LIVE at Two Shy Brewing - Roseburg | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | Link
Sunday, January 19th
- Garden Valley Farmers Market | 11AM - 3PM
- Vine Katz LIVE at JosephJane Winery | 2 - 4 PM | Link
The Roseburg Receiver Updates
- We are now at 11,850 members!!! Thank you all so much for being here!
- We launched our new website, roseburgscanner.com! It is up and running, but still undergoing household cleanup.
- Our previous site, theroseburgreceiver.com, now redirects to our new site roseburgscanner.com. Roseburgscanner.com is now our main site moving forward.
- Businesses are now able to sign up to sponsor us! Get your logo seen on our website! Contact us for more details!
How to Contribute
We welcome all volunteers to share local events and incidents through our Facebook group. Whether you've witnessed something directly or received credible information, your contributions help keep our community informed and aware.
We encourage you to share relevant details and photos when appropriate. However, please note two important guidelines:
- Maintain privacy by excluding any personal or identifying information
- Ensure your own safety first - never attempt to post while driving
Your participation strengthens our community network, and your adherence to these guidelines helps keep everyone safe. Thank you for being part of our volunteer reporting team. If you have questions or want to participate as an author for our roseburgscanner.com website, please email community@roseburgscanner.com.
That is the scoop for this Monday morning. Have a great day!
- The Roseburg Receiver Team
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