January 22, 2025

The Roseburg Receiver Morning Scoop

January 22, 2025

Good morning Douglas County! Happy Wednesday! Here are today's updates live from the Roseburg Receiver Communications Center.

Today's Current Conditions

As of 6:30AM in Roseburg, Oregon

  • Current Temp: 28°F
  • Humidity: 94%
  • Wind: 4 MPH NE
  • Current Conditions: Foggy
  • Air Quality Index: 94
  • Today's Forecast: High 47 | Low 28
  • Yesterday's Rain Levels (January 21st): 0.00 Inches
  • January's Monthly Rainfall: 1.78 inches

Roseburg Area Morning News


KQEN News Radio

An Air Stagnation Advisory continues through 12:00 p.m. Friday for much of southern Oregon.

Forecasters at the National Weather Service said poor air quality will continue. This is due to an inversion and stagnant air conditions near the surface that will continue to trap pollutants.

The Advisory area includes the valleys of Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Lake and eastern Curry counties. This applies to the cities of Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Cave Junction, Klamath Falls, Lakeview and surrounding areas.

Forecasters said poor air quality may cause issues for people with respiratory problems.


KQEN News Radio

The failure of a piece of electrical equipment in a central substation led to a massive power outage around Douglas County on Tuesday morning.

Pacific Power Senior Communications Specialist Simon Gutierrez told News Radio 93-9 FM and 1240 KQEN that the outage began impacting customers in the Roseburg district at 5:09 a.m. Gutierrez said it took some time for repair crews to assess and track down the issue. As a result of the equipment failure, the utility lost transmission to its service area, impacting a total of about 35,000 customers at the outage peak.

Gutierrez said crews began to restore customers in steps at 8:37 a.m. with most customers restored at 9:50 a.m. Some customers have told KQEN that their power wasn’t restored until around 12:00 p.m. Pacific Power’s website listed around 300 customers without power at that time.

Gutierrez said the cause of the equipment failure is under investigation.

The outage also impacted customers of Douglas Electric Cooperative in rural parts of the county. At the height of the outage, over 4,300 DEC members were without power.

With the question of how long it would take to restore power up in the air early in the incident, most Douglas County schools ultimately decided to close for the day. However, Umpqua Community College opened at 10:00 a.m.


KQEN News Radio

The Bureau of Land Management Swiftwater Field Office, Roseburg District has announced that BLM road 25-7-29 is closed to through traffic.

A BLM release said the recent rain events have undercut the road, and the edge of the road has collapsed. This is a public access road accessible from both County Road #13, also known as Melqua Road, and #6, which is Hubbard Creek Road.

Swiftwater Field Manager Michael Korn said, “There is no detour required, access is still available from each end of the road”. Korn said, “This will be a long-term closure and repair plans will take time to develop.

For more information about the BLM, Roseburg District, go to: https://www.blm.gov/office/roseburg-district-office


KQEN News Radio

The United Community Action Network’s Roseburg Warming Center will activate again Wednesday evening, due to cold overnight temperatures.

The facility is at the HADCO James D. Myers Activity Center at 990 West Stanton Street. Warm meals, shelter and resources will be available.

Guests can check in from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Check-out is Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. with coffee available.

For updates on the Roseburg Warming Center, go to the UCAN Facebook page at:


KQEN News Radio

Roseburg Police jailed a man for multiple drug charges on Saturday afternoon.

An RPD report released on Tuesday said officers contacted 33-year-old Edward Ditter in a parking lot in the 1400 block of Northwest Mulholland Drive just before 2:00 p.m. As they contacted the suspect, he began picking up items off the ground that an officer recognized as drugs.
Ditter allegedly placed the items in his pocket, concealing them from view. He was detained and was ultimately reportedly found to be in possession of approximately 62 blue pills, which appeared to be counterfeit Oxycodone pills, digital scales and a small amount of methamphetamine.

Ditter was charged with unlawful possession, distribution and manufacture of a Schedule 2 controlled substance for fentanyl, unlawful possession of methamphetamine and for tampering with evidence. After arraignment, he was detained on $3,000 bail.


KQEN News Radio

The Douglas County Parks Department has announced the temporary closure of Whistler’s Bend County Park through Friday.

A county release said the closure is due to hazard abatement work taking place throughout the park to make it safer for visitors. The closure is for the entire park including the access road, disc golf course, boat ramp and all parking areas. As with any project, delays due to weather, equipment and material availability could possibly extend the deadline. Go to the county park’s department Facebook page for updated closure information: https://douglascountyor.gov/802/Parks

As county parks are popular destinations for day-use activities such as fishing, swimming, picnicking, disc golf, camping and more, park patrons should consider checking out the large inventory of county parks during this temporary closure and improvement project.


KQEN News Radio

The City of Roseburg has a number of openings on city commissions and on the Budget Committee.

A city release said applications are being taken from people interested in filling vacancies on the Budget Committee and on the Airport, Homeless, Parks and Recreation, Planning and Public Works commissions.

The Public Works and Homeless commissions have two vacancies each. The other commissions have one vacancy. The Budget Committee has three.

Vacancies typically arise at the start of each year as commissioners with terms expiring notify commission chairs about whether they wish to continue serving.

Applicants must meet varying residency or commission membership requirements, depending on the opening being filled. Applicants for the Budget Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission must live inside the city limits.
Get more specific information about roles of the commissions and the Budget Committee, details about when meetings are held, and other applications requirements at: https://www.cityofroseburg.org/your-government/commissions


KQEN News Radio

Roseburg Police cited two men for theft charges on Monday evening.

An RPD report said at 8:40 p.m. a woman called to say the men had cashed stolen checks at her business in the 700 block of Northwest Garden Valley Boulevard. Officers contacted the suspects, an 18-year-old and a 22-year-old, both from Chile, who admitted to cashing checks which they said were found in the trash outside the store.

Both men were cited for second-degree theft and identity theft and were released. The money was returned to the business.


KQEN News Radio

On Tuesdays, Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced that a total of nearly $30 million in federal funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is coming to Oregon to support Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration projects around the state.

A joint release said funding is intended to support projects that connect people with nature and conserve fish, wildlife, and their habitats.
Merkley said, “Our state’s lands and water are integral to the futures of countless fish and wildlife, as well as many Oregonians’ quality of life and livelihoods”. Merkley said, “These federal funds will be used to manage and protect Oregonians access and enjoy the great outdoors through our outstanding recreation opportunities”.

Wyden said, “Fish and wildlife are part of what makes Oregon the best state in America for recreation”. Wyden said, “That doesn’t happen by osmosis – it happens thanks to significant federal investments like these that support our state’s natural advantages and the benefits they create for our economy and environment”.

The Wildlife Restoration Program provides funds to fish and wildlife agencies for projects to restore, conserve, manage and enhance wild birds and mammals and their habitat.

The Sport Fish Restoration Program provides funds to fish and wildlife agencies for fishery projects, boating access, and aquatic education.

Oregon’s allocations include:

  • Nearly $22 million for Wildlife Restoration
  • Nearly $8 for Sport Fish Restoration.

Oregon Fish and Wildlife Director Debbie Colbert said, “These federal investments, matched with revenue from hunting and fishing licenses, are the foundation of ODFW’s capacity to care for Oregon’s capacity to care for Oregon’s diverse fish and wildlife”.

Roseburg Area Upcoming Events

Each day, there will likely be new events posted for the week. Keep reading the morning scoop every day!

Limited Time Events

  • Quilts & Christmas Exhibit @ Douglas County Museum | December 3rd - February 28th @ 10AM - 5PM | Link
  • Sarah Nguyen: “Waiting for the Sun” @ Whipple Fine Arts Center | January 6th - February 5th | 10AM - 5PM | Link
  • Opening Reception: "subject: A show about humans, interactions, bodies, relation, and memory" @ Umpqua Valley Arts | January 17 - March 14 | 4 - 7 PM | Link
  • Outlaw Kart Racing @ The Douglas County Dirtrack | January 25, 26 & February 5, 6, 7, 8, & 15 | Link

Monday, January 20th

  • DJ Trivia Night @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7PM
  • Open Mic Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 - 8 PM
  • 2025 MLK Day River Clean-Up ~ Roseburg Parks | 9AM - 1PM | Link

Tuesday, January 21st

  • Bingo @ Roseburg Elks Lodge #326 | 6:30 PM
  • DJ Trivia @ Urban NY Pizza & Grill | 7 PM
  • Glide and Idleyld Winter Market | (Every Tuesday) @ 10AM - 1PM | Glide Community Center Annex
  • Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM | Link
  • Free Line Dancing Lessons - Elements Lounge @ Seven Feathers Casino Resort | Every week on Tuesday | 7 - 9PM | Link
  • Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM
  • Trivia with Amy @ Two Shy Brewing | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lamplighter Cafe & Lounge | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Douglas County Youth Orchestra Presents Winter Concert | 7 - 9 PM | Link

Wednesday, January 22nd

  • DJ Trivia @ Backside Brewing Co. | 6 - 7:30 PM
  • Karaoke/Open Mic Night @ Idle Hour Tavern | 9 PM - 12:30 AM
  • Trivia Night @​ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 9 PM
  • Trivia Night @​ Little Brothers Pub | 6 PM
  • Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
  • Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link

Thursday, January 23rd

  • DJ Trivia @ North Forty Beer Company | 7 - 8:30 PM
  • Kick Up the Dust - Line Dancing Lessons @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7 - 8 PM
  • DJ Bingo @ Brix Bar & Grill | 7 - 9PM | Link
  • Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
  • Ladies' Night @ Tuck's Place | 5 - 8 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Neil Gregory Johnson & Momma Dawn Day @ The Rosebud Theatre | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Local Vendor Night @ Cooper Ridge Vineyard | 3 - 6 PM | Link
  • Draper Jam Night @ Draper Brewing | 8 - 11:30 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Bradley Shepherd @​ Oran Mor | 5 - 8 PM | Link

Friday, January 24th

  • Friday Pizzas! @ Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards | 12 - 4PM
  • Karaoke Night @ Winchester Pub & Grill | 8 - 11 PM
  • TGIF Wine & Pizza @ Abacela | 4 - 7 PM
  • Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
  • Live Music: Dylan James Clark @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Widespread Haze & Friends @ The Rosebud Theatre | 7 - 11 PM | Link
  • Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Vine Katz LIVE at Sutherlin Eagles | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • English/Scottish Country Dancing | 865 SE Court St | 6:15 - 8:30 PM | Link

Saturday, January 25th

  • Umpqua Valley Farmers Market | 9AM - 1PM | Link
  • Drain Farmers Market | 308 N 1st St in Drain @ 10AM - 2PM
  • Karaoke Night @​ Brix Bar & Grill | (Every Saturday) @ 7 - 10PM
  • Karaoke Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8PM | Link
  • 2025 Winter Raptor Run | BLM Parking Lot | 8:30 AM | Link
  • DC Celtic Society Burns Night Dinner @ Melrose Vineyards | 3 - 7 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Downside Up @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 9 PM | Link
  • Open Stage Night featuring Love Notes @ Urban Blendz | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Sip, Shop, & Sample @ The Wine Destination | 1 - 4 PM | Link
  • Table Top and Board Game Night @ Oran Mor | 6 - 9 PM | Link
  • Open Stage Night at Urban Blendz featuring Love Notes | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Uncle Luc Presents Mayhem - EDM at the Rosebud | 8 PM - 12 AM | Link

Sunday, January 26th

  • Garden Valley Farmers Market | 11AM - 3PM
  • Trivia @ JosephJane Winery | 2 PM | Link


The Roseburg Receiver Updates

  • We are now at 12,000 members!!! Thank you all so much for being here!
  • We launched our new website, roseburgscanner.com! It is up and running, but still undergoing household cleanup.
    • Our previous site, theroseburgreceiver.com, now redirects to our new site roseburgscanner.com. Roseburgscanner.com is now our main site moving forward.
  • Businesses are now able to sign up to sponsor us! Get your company seen on our website and Facebook group! View our sponsor page for more information!

How to Contribute

We welcome all volunteers to share local events and incidents through our Facebook group. Whether you've witnessed something directly or received credible information, your contributions help keep our community informed and aware.

We encourage you to share relevant details and photos when appropriate. However, please note two important guidelines:

  1. Maintain privacy by excluding any personal or identifying information
  2. Ensure your own safety first - never attempt to post while driving

Your participation strengthens our community network, and your adherence to these guidelines helps keep everyone safe. Thank you for being part of our volunteer reporting team. If you have questions or want to participate as an author for our roseburgscanner.com website, please email community@roseburgscanner.com.

That is the scoop for this Wednesday morning. Have a great day!

- The Roseburg Receiver Team