January 23, 2025

The Roseburg Receiver Morning Scoop

January 23, 2025

Good morning Douglas County! Happy Thursday! Here are today's updates live from the Roseburg Receiver Communications Center.

Today's Current Conditions

As of 6:30AM in Roseburg, Oregon

  • Current Temp: 27°F
  • Humidity: 95%
  • Wind: 0 MPH
  • Current Conditions: Foggy
  • Air Quality Index: 86
  • Today's Forecast: High 47 | Low 27
  • Yesterday's Rain Levels (January 22nd): 0.00 Inches
  • January's Monthly Rainfall: 1.78 inches

Roseburg Area Morning News


KQEN News Radio

An Air Stagnation Advisory remains in place through 12:00 p.m. Friday for a wide area of southern Oregon.

Forecasters at the National Weather Service said poor air quality will continue. This is due to an inversion and stagnant air conditions near the surface that will continue to trap pollutants.

The Advisory area includes central Douglas County and its eastern foothills, Josephine and Jackson counties, eastern Curry County. the Klamath Basin, eastern Klamath County and Lake County.

Forecasters said poor air quality may cause issues for people with respiratory problems.


KQEN News Radio

A Winston man, missing since November, was found deceased near the bank of the South Umpqua River at the Wildlife Safari RV Park on Saturday.

Marty Case, Chief of Police for the Cow Creek Tribal Police Department said that 61-year-old Gary Sweetin had been reported missing on November 24th. Case said a family member had last spoke to the man, who lived at the RV park, on November 10th. At that time, the family member reported that Sweetin had apparently been drinking and sounded intoxicated. Later when the caller wasn’t contacted by Sweetin on her birthday, she became concerned because this was out of character for him. The RV park is located on Tribal land.

The family member went to Sweetin’s residence and did not receive a response when she knocked on the door. She confirmed that he was not present. Other family members and the on-site manager confirmed they had not seen or spoken to Sweetin for some time. Case said a CCPD officer responded to the park and was not able to locate Sweetin. The officer checked the man’s trailer and surrounding area noting nothing of criminal concern.

On December 8th, CCPD requested assistance from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Marine Patrol and Search and Rescue cadaver dogs specifically trained to locate human remains. The river and riverbanks near the RV park were checked. Due to extremely high water, weather conditions and dense vegetation along the riverbanks and ditches, Sweetin was not located. Case said arrangements were made to conduct a more extensive ground search at a later time.

On December 19th, CCPD requested assistance from the Winston Police Department who had an officer fly this department issued drone over the river and immediate vicinity of the Safari RV Park. Again, Sweetin was not located.

Case said last Saturday, members of the DCSO SAR team conducted a secondary search of the Safari RV Park and surrounding areas. At that time, Gary Sweetin’s remains were located near the riverbank, among dense vegetation. Family members were notified.

Case told News Radio 93- FM and 1240 KQEN that the cause of death could be an accident or natural. Case said there were no indications of criminal activity.

Case said the CCPD would like to thank the DCSO Marine Patrol. SAR, Winston Police Department, staff at Wildlife Safari and Sweetin’s family for their assistance.


KQEN News Radio

No one was hurt when a vehicle crashed into the Lookingglass Store early Tuesday.

A Douglas County Sheriff’s Office report said the accident was called in just after 5:30 a.m.

When the deputy arrived, he found the sedan crashed into the building with intrusion into the northwest corner. The report said it appeared the vehicle went straight through the T-intersection of Coos Bay Wagon Road and Lookingglass Road.

The deputy spoke with the driver, a 38-year-old man who said he had fog and frost on his windshield and realized he was coming up to the stop sign. The man claimed that he tried to brake but went through the intersection with his sedan hitting the store.

The report said there were heavy skid marks as well as frost on the roadway, indicating that the man did brake heavily. The store owner was contacted. The driver was cited for careless driving and not having an operator’s license.


KQEN News Radio

A Camas Valley man was charged with menacing by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday night.

A DCSO report said at 11:20 p.m. a victim called dispatchers and claimed the 41-year-old man hit her twice, shoved her and threatened to stab her with a knife. The suspect was reportedly intoxicated and agitated and didn’t want to tell the deputy what had happened.

The man was taken into custody and charged with menacing and harassment. Bail was set at $2,500.


KQEN News Radio

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs, a non-profit Public Benefit Organization, is inviting local families to discover the many rewards of hosting a foreign exchange student.

ASSE students come from more than 50 countries worldwide, including France, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Japan, and Australia to name a few.
Students are between the ages of 15 and 18 years and are excited to experience American culture, family life, school, sports and more. Host families may be single parents, couples, and single persons.

Exchange students have pocket money for personal expenses and full health, accident and liability insurance. ASSE students are carefully selected based upon academics and personality. Host families choose their student from a variety of backgrounds, countries and personal interests.

Those interested in hosting an exchange student should call 1-800-733-2773 or go to: www.asse.com for more information.


KQEN News Radio

Umpqua Actor’s Community Theatre is bringing the baseball field to the theatre.

Rounding Third is a comedy involving two Little League coaches, who have conflicting views on how to coach their kids and form an uneasy alliance for the benefit of the team. A season of victories and defeats forces the two men to battle over how to lead the team.

During the show, the audience becomes the team as the coach speaks directly to them about competition, character, punctuality and the importance of wearing the right equipment.

The two-person baseball comedy stars powerhouse performers Bob Moreland and Brian Prawitz. It will be on stage February 6th through February 23rd, playing Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $17 and can be purchased at www.uact-theatre.com or by calling UACT at 673-2125.

The production is recommended for audiences ages 13 and older due to mile language.

For people who would like to see the show for free, UACT is welcoming ushers to assist with checking tickets, handing out programs, and greeting patrons before the show. All spaces are filled on a first come first serve basis. Ushers helping with a nighttime show should arrive to help at 5:45 p.m. Those ushering on a Sunday should arrive at the theatre at 12:45 p.m. Sign up to usher by calling UACT at 673-2125.


KQEN News Radio

As confirmation hearings ramp up on Capitol Hill, four major sectors of Oregon farm and ranch groups are backing President Trump’s nomination of former U.S. Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer for secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor.

A release said the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, Oregon Dairy Farmers Association, Oregon Cattleman’s Association and the Oregon Association of Nurseries all joined together on the endorsement.

The organizations previously worked with her as a member of the House Agriculture Committee.

The release said Chavez-De-Remer has a proven track record of being solution oriented and working across the aisle to solve problems facing family farmers and ranchers.

Roseburg Area Upcoming Events

Each day, there will likely be new events posted for the week. Keep reading the morning scoop every day!

Limited Time Events

  • Quilts & Christmas Exhibit @ Douglas County Museum | December 3rd - February 28th @ 10AM - 5PM | Link
  • Sarah Nguyen: “Waiting for the Sun” @ Whipple Fine Arts Center | January 6th - February 5th | 10AM - 5PM | Link
  • Opening Reception: "subject: A show about humans, interactions, bodies, relation, and memory" @ Umpqua Valley Arts | January 17 - March 14 | 4 - 7 PM | Link
  • Outlaw Kart Racing @ The Douglas County Dirtrack | January 25, 26 & February 5, 6, 7, 8, & 15 | Link

Monday, January 20th

  • DJ Trivia Night @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7PM
  • Open Mic Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 - 8 PM
  • 2025 MLK Day River Clean-Up ~ Roseburg Parks | 9AM - 1PM | Link

Tuesday, January 21st

  • Bingo @ Roseburg Elks Lodge #326 | 6:30 PM
  • DJ Trivia @ Urban NY Pizza & Grill | 7 PM
  • Glide and Idleyld Winter Market | (Every Tuesday) @ 10AM - 1PM | Glide Community Center Annex
  • Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM | Link
  • Free Line Dancing Lessons - Elements Lounge @ Seven Feathers Casino Resort | Every week on Tuesday | 7 - 9PM | Link
  • Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM
  • Trivia with Amy @ Two Shy Brewing | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lamplighter Cafe & Lounge | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Douglas County Youth Orchestra Presents Winter Concert | 7 - 9 PM | Link

Wednesday, January 22nd

  • DJ Trivia @ Backside Brewing Co. | 6 - 7:30 PM
  • Karaoke/Open Mic Night @ Idle Hour Tavern | 9 PM - 12:30 AM
  • Trivia Night @​ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 9 PM
  • Trivia Night @​ Little Brothers Pub | 6 PM
  • Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
  • Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link

Thursday, January 23rd

  • DJ Trivia @ North Forty Beer Company | 7 - 8:30 PM
  • Kick Up the Dust - Line Dancing Lessons @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7 - 8 PM
  • DJ Bingo @ Brix Bar & Grill | 7 - 9PM | Link
  • Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
  • Ladies' Night @ Tuck's Place | 5 - 8 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Neil Gregory Johnson & Momma Dawn Day @ The Rosebud Theatre | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Local Vendor Night @ Cooper Ridge Vineyard | 3 - 6 PM | Link
  • Draper Jam Night @ Draper Brewing | 8 - 11:30 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Bradley Shepherd @​ Oran Mor | 5 - 8 PM | Link

Friday, January 24th

  • Friday Pizzas! @ Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards | 12 - 4PM
  • Karaoke Night @ Winchester Pub & Grill | 8 - 11 PM
  • TGIF Wine & Pizza @ Abacela | 4 - 7 PM
  • Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
  • Live Music: Dylan James Clark @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Widespread Haze & Friends @ The Rosebud Theatre | 7 - 11 PM | Link
  • Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • Vine Katz LIVE at Sutherlin Eagles | 6 - 8 PM | Link
  • English/Scottish Country Dancing | 865 SE Court St | 6:15 - 8:30 PM | Link

Saturday, January 25th

  • Umpqua Valley Farmers Market | 9AM - 1PM | Link
  • Drain Farmers Market | 308 N 1st St in Drain @ 10AM - 2PM
  • Karaoke Night @​ Brix Bar & Grill | (Every Saturday) @ 7 - 10PM
  • Karaoke Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8PM | Link
  • 2025 Winter Raptor Run | BLM Parking Lot | 8:30 AM | Link
  • DC Celtic Society Burns Night Dinner @ Melrose Vineyards | 3 - 7 PM | Link
  • Live Music: Downside Up @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 9 PM | Link
  • Open Stage Night featuring Love Notes @ Urban Blendz | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Sip, Shop, & Sample @ The Wine Destination | 1 - 4 PM | Link
  • Table Top and Board Game Night @ Oran Mor | 6 - 9 PM | Link
  • Open Stage Night at Urban Blendz featuring Love Notes | 6:30 - 10 PM | Link
  • Uncle Luc Presents Mayhem - EDM at the Rosebud | 8 PM - 12 AM | Link

Sunday, January 26th

  • Garden Valley Farmers Market | 11AM - 3PM
  • Trivia @ JosephJane Winery | 2 PM | Link


The Roseburg Receiver Updates

  • We are now at 12,000 members!!! Thank you all so much for being here!
  • We launched our new website, roseburgscanner.com! It is up and running, but still undergoing household cleanup.
    • Our previous site, theroseburgreceiver.com, now redirects to our new site roseburgscanner.com. Roseburgscanner.com is now our main site moving forward.
  • Businesses are now able to sign up to sponsor us! Get your company seen on our website and Facebook group! View our sponsor page for more information!

How to Contribute

We welcome all volunteers to share local events and incidents through our Facebook group. Whether you've witnessed something directly or received credible information, your contributions help keep our community informed and aware.

We encourage you to share relevant details and photos when appropriate. However, please note two important guidelines:

  1. Maintain privacy by excluding any personal or identifying information
  2. Ensure your own safety first - never attempt to post while driving

Your participation strengthens our community network, and your adherence to these guidelines helps keep everyone safe. Thank you for being part of our volunteer reporting team. If you have questions or want to participate as an author for our roseburgscanner.com website, please email community@roseburgscanner.com.

That is the scoop for this Thursday morning. Have a great day!

- The Roseburg Receiver Team