January 28, 2025
The Roseburg Receiver Morning Scoop

Good morning Douglas County! Happy Tuesday! Here are today's updates live from the Roseburg Receiver Communications Center.
Today's Current Conditions
As of 6:30AM in Roseburg, Oregon
- Current Temp: 24°F
- Humidity: 87%
- Wind: 0 MPH
- Current Conditions: Clear
- Air Quality Index: 115
- Today's Forecast: High 52 | Low 44
- Yesterday's Rain Levels (January 27th): 0.00 Inches
- January's Monthly Rainfall: 1.78 inches
Roseburg Area Morning News
KQEN News Radio

Below normal overnight low temperatures continue for much of the region through Wednesday.
Data from the National Weather Service in Medford said the normal overnight low temperature for this week in January in Roseburg is 37 degrees. Low temperatures in Roseburg have remained in the 20s for most of the past week, averaging around 15 degrees below normal.
Rain headed to the region starting Thursday night will lead to overnight low temperatures of around 40 degrees though they may drop to the mid to upper 30s for this weekend.
KQEN News Radio

An Air Stagnation Advisory continues through Thursday at 12:00 p.m. for much of southern Oregon.
Forecasters at the National Weather Service said a strong inversion and stagnant air conditions near the surface will trap pollutants possibly leading to poor air quality.
The Advisory area includes central Douglas County, Josephine and Jackson counties, eastern Curry County, the Klamath Basin and parts of Lake County. It applies to Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Cave Junction and surrounding areas.
Forecasters said poor air quality may cause issues for people with respiratory problems.
KQEN News Radio

United Community Action Network’s Roseburg Warming Center has been activated for Tuesday night due to cold temperatures that are forecast.
Warm meals, shelter and resources will be available.
The facility remains at HADCO’s James D. Myers Activity Center at 990 West Stanton Street.
Check-in is from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Check out Wednesday is from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. with coffee available.
For updates on the Roseburg Warming Center, go to the United Community Action Network’s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedCommunityActionNetwork
KQEN News Radio

The City of Myrtle Creek has listed its public meetings for February.
- The city council will meet February 4th and February 18th at 5:30 p.m.
- The Myrtle Creek Code Review Board will meet February 10th and February 24th at 5:00 p.m.
- The park commission meeting has been moved to February 12th at 5:30 p.m.
- The planning commission will meet February 25th at 5:00 p.m.
All meetings are held in the Myrtle Creek City Council Chambers on Northwest Pleasant Street.
Go to: https://cityofmyrtlecreek.com/ for more information about the City of Myrtle Creek.
KQEN News Radio

The Partner agencies of the Oregon Department of Transportation, the U.S. Forest Service, and Western Federal Lands are hosting a number of Design Concepts Open Houses for the Rogue-Umpqua Bicycle and Pedestrian Corridor Plan.
An upcoming public meeting on identified project needs and conceptual designs will be held this Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Glide Community Center on the North Umpqua Highway. Other meetings are being held this week in Prospect and Gold Hill.
Project goals include: Address bicycle and pedestrian needs on the corridor, preserve and enhance forest viewsheds, integrate recreation needs and address the interests of local, state, Tribal and federal partners.
For more information about the plan, go to: https://highways.dot.gov/federal…/projects/or/dot-2018-1
KQEN News Radio

On January 15th, Coast Community Health Center issued a notice regarding the closure of its operations.
A release from Adapt Integrated Health Care said since issuing that notice, Coast has experienced a groundswell of public and private support to keep its resources open and available to the community. Among other things, Coast has received a commitment for sufficient initial support to continue its operations going forward and is making plans to secure the clinic’s long-term future. As a result, the closure notice has been rescinded.
The release said Coast is working closely with local health care payers, providers and regulators to bring their services under new management. Currently, Coast is working with Adapt Integrated Health Care on an arrangement intended to transition the operation of Coast’s medical clinics to Adapt.
Adapt provides comprehensive behavioral health services in the four most southwestern Oregon counties, including Coos and Curry, and operates two 5-star Patient Centered Care Homes in Douglas County. Adapt has been in operation for over 50 years.
Adapt’s CEO Dr. Greg Brigham said, “Adapt is committed to working with Coast Community Health Center to find a solution that will keep its vital services available to the Coos and Curry County communities they serve”.
Coast’s CEO, Kendra Newbold said, “We are grateful to our community for the outpouring of support we have received, and we are committed to do everything we can to avoid a closure and secure these resources for the future. While it will take time to restore the clinic’s full capacity, our goal is for the clinics to emerge from this difficult time stronger and more committed to the community than ever”.
The release said Coast will provide additional updates on the clinic’s future as they become available.
As Roseburg faces some of its coldest temperatures this winter, a local warming center is reaching out to the community for help. Located at St. George Episcopal Church in downtown Roseburg, the center opens its doors from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on days when temperatures drop below freezing. Since its launch in early January, the center has become a vital resource for individuals seeking warmth, supplies, and support without requiring an overnight stay away from their homes or encampments.
The center has already operated for 10 days this year, serving a total of 251 people. Initially, the number of visitors varied, but recently, the center has seen a significant increase, with over 50 people arriving daily. "Some days there are just a couple of visitors, and other days it’s incredibly busy," shared an anonymous volunteer. "I’ve only been here a few days, but it’s been one extreme to the other. I think it’s wonderful that our church can help the homeless and underprivileged—it’s exactly what a church should do."
Courtney Greenwalt, one of the center’s organizers, emphasized the critical need for the service. "Many of the people we serve are living outdoors—under bridges, in tents, in camps, or even in RVs. Some have no shelter at all. We’ve been able to provide tents and supplies, but these individuals are fully exposed to the extreme cold, which is unusual for our area and has lasted much longer than expected."
Despite limited resources, Greenwalt is committed to keeping the center open during freezing weather. However, the team is in urgent need of supplies such as hand warmers, emergency blankets, flashlights, and first-aid kits. They are also seeking volunteers to help stock supplies, maintain cleanliness, and assist with visitor check-ins during operating hours.

Reflecting on the impact of the center, Greenwalt shared, "We had no idea how great the need would be. It’s been overwhelming but incredibly rewarding. Seeing someone walk in without a coat and leave warm, fed, and prepared—it makes a huge difference."
As the winter chill persists, the warming center’s call for community support highlights the importance of collective effort in addressing the challenges faced by those most vulnerable to the cold. Donations of supplies and volunteer time are crucial to ensuring the center can continue its mission of providing warmth and hope during these harsh winter months.
Roseburg Area Upcoming Events
Limited Time Events
- Quilts & Christmas Exhibit @ Douglas County Museum | December 3rd - February 28th @ 10AM - 5PM | Link
- Sarah Nguyen: “Waiting for the Sun” @ Whipple Fine Arts Center | January 6th - February 5th | 10AM - 5PM | Link
- Opening Reception: "subject: A show about humans, interactions, bodies, relation, and memory" @ Umpqua Valley Arts | January 17 - March 14 | 4 - 7 PM | Link
- Outlaw Kart Racing @ The Douglas County Dirtrack | January 25, 26 & February 5, 6, 7, 8, & 15 | Link
Monday, January 27th
- DJ Trivia Night @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7PM
- Open Mic Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 - 8 PM
- Live Music: Albert Cummings @ The Rosebud Theatre | 6 - 9 PM | Link
Tuesday, January 28th
- Bingo @ Roseburg Elks Lodge #326 | 6:30 PM
- DJ Trivia @ Urban NY Pizza & Grill | 7 PM
- Glide and Idleyld Winter Market | (Every Tuesday) @ 10AM - 1PM | Glide Community Center Annex
- Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM | Link
- Free Line Dancing Lessons - Elements Lounge @ Seven Feathers Casino Resort | Every week on Tuesday | 7 - 9PM | Link
- Open Mic Night @ Kodiak Bar & Grill | Every week on Tuesday @ 6 - 8PM
- Dylan James Clark LIVE at Lamplighter Cafe & Lounge | 6 - 8 PM | Link
- Douglas County Youth Orchestra Presents Winter Concert | 7 - 9:30 PM | Link
- Nightly Entertainment at Elements Lounge in Seven Feathers Casino | 7 PM - 12 AM | Link
Wednesday, January 29th
- DJ Trivia @ Backside Brewing Co. | 6 - 7:30 PM
- Karaoke/Open Mic Night @ Idle Hour Tavern | 9 PM - 12:30 AM
- Trivia Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 9 PM
- Trivia Night @ Little Brothers Pub | 6 PM
- Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
- Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- Nightly Entertainment at Elements Lounge in Seven Feathers Casino | 7 PM - 12 AM | Link
Thursday, January 30th
- DJ Trivia @ North Forty Beer Company | 7 - 8:30 PM
- Kick Up the Dust - Line Dancing Lessons @ Workman's Bar & Smokehouse | 7 - 8 PM
- DJ Bingo @ Brix Bar & Grill | 7 - 9PM | Link
- Karaoke Night at Winston VFW | 5 - 9 PM | Link
- Draper Jam Night | 8 - 11:30 PM | Link
Friday, January 31st
- Friday Pizzas! @ Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards | 12 - 4PM
- Karaoke Night @ Winchester Pub & Grill | 8 - 11 PM
- TGIF Wine & Pizza @ Abacela | 4 - 7 PM
- Bingo @ Roseburg Senior Center | (Every Wed and Fri) - Doors Open at 5 PM, starts at 6:30PM. Food available. Ages 7+. $1 for non-members.
- 33rd Umpqua Fishery Enhancement Derby Banquet | 5PM | Link
- Digital Hallucinations Art Show @ Anvil Northwest | 6PM | Link
- Bullseyes & Bites @ The Blade Axe House | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM (Every Friday) | Link
- FARM PARTY - Live Music at Little Brothers Pub | 6 - 8 PM | Link
- Strange Birdz LIVE at The Winston VFW | 6 - 9 PM | Link
- English/Scottish Country Dancing | 6:15 - 8:30 PM | Link
Saturday, February 1st
- Umpqua Valley Farmers Market | 9AM - 1PM | Link
- Drain Farmers Market | 308 N 1st St in Drain @ 10AM - 2PM
- Karaoke Night @ Brix Bar & Grill | (Every Saturday) @ 7 - 10PM
- Karaoke Night @ Lookingglass Brewery | 6 - 8PM | Link
- Discover Roseburg 14 - Land of Umpqua Geocache Series Kickoff Event | 9 AM - 2 PM | Link
- 53rd Annual Greatest of the Grape @ Seven Feathers Casino Resort | 6 - 9 PM | Link
- Mother Smuckers LIVE at Two Shy Brewing - Roseburg | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | Link
- stop.drop.rewind LIVE at THE HIVE | 7 - 10 PM | Link
- LIVE Music Sat Nights w Joes Garage Band | 9 PM - 12 AM | Link
- Snow Bike Races @ Diamond Lake | Link
Sunday, February 2nd
- Garden Valley Farmers Market | 11AM - 3PM
- Trivia @ JosephJane Winery | 2 PM | Link
- Winds of the Umpqua Flute Circle @ Oran Mor | 1 - 4 PM | Link
- Wine & Caramel Pairing @ Cooper Ridge Vineyard | 1 - 5 PM | Link
- Snow Bike Races @ Diamond Lake | Link
The Roseburg Receiver Updates
- We are now at 12,100 members!!! Thank you all so much for being here!
- We launched our new website, roseburgscanner.com! It is up and running, but still undergoing household cleanup.
- Our previous site, theroseburgreceiver.com, now redirects to our new site roseburgscanner.com. Roseburgscanner.com is now our main site moving forward.
- Businesses are now able to sign up to sponsor us! Get your company seen on our website and Facebook group! View our sponsor page for more information!
How to Contribute
We welcome all volunteers to share local events and incidents through our Facebook group. Whether you've witnessed something directly or received credible information, your contributions help keep our community informed and aware.
We encourage you to share relevant details and photos when appropriate. However, please note two important guidelines:
- Maintain privacy by excluding any personal or identifying information
- Ensure your own safety first - never attempt to post while driving
Your participation strengthens our community network, and your adherence to these guidelines helps keep everyone safe. Thank you for being part of our volunteer reporting team. If you have questions or want to participate as an author for our roseburgscanner.com website, please email community@roseburgscanner.com.
That is the scoop for this Tuesday morning. Have a great day!
- The Roseburg Receiver Team
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