Weather Conditions
Code |
Message |
0 | No Report |
1 | Clear, no precipitation |
2 | Partly Cloudy |
3 | Overcast |
4 | Ground fog |
5 | Intermittent showers |
6 | Rain |
7 | Snow flurries |
8 | Snowing hard and continuously |
9 | Severe weather alert |
91 | Severe weather alert - Freezing rain |
92 | Severe weather alert - High winds |
93 | Severe weather alert - Blowing snow, whiteout |
94 | Severe weather alert - Dust storm |
95 | Severe weather alert - Falling trees |
Road Conditions
Code |
Message |
0 | No Report |
1 | Bare pavement |
2 | Spots of ice |
3 | Black ice |
4 | Standing water or flooding on roadway |
5 | Slush, snow pack breaking up |
6 | Packed snow |
Chain Restrictions
Code |
Message |
O | No Restriction |
A | Condition A - Carry Chains or Traction Tires |
B | Condition B - Chains required on vehicles towing or over 10,000 GVW |
B1 | Condition B1 - Chains required on vehicles towing or single drive axle over 10,000 GVW |
C | Condition C - Chains Required. Traction tires allowed in place of chains on vehicles under 10,000 GVW and not towing. Vehicles towing must use chains. |
D | Condition D - Chains Required. Traction tires alone are not sufficient. |
Commercial Restrictions
Code |
Message |
0 | No Restriction |
1 | Visibility of less than 500 feet |
Report Instructions: Include the code, the temperature, weather conditions, road conditions, new snow (amount of snow since last scheduled reporting time, in inches), total roadside snow (in inches), chain restriction, and, if applicable, commercial restriction. If the temperature is unknown, use double zero (00).
Example: 2776-6-96 Condition 6 decoded will mean (27) temperature 27 degrees, (7) snow flurries, (6) packed snow, (6 inches of new snow), (96) 96 inches total roadside snow, and (Condition C) chain restriction of Code C.