ODOT South Douglas Winter Operations Plan
We will start out the winter with four people on night shift. We will run two people out of Shady and two out of Canyonville working 10-hour shifts. There will be one day (Wednesday) that we will have four people on. The other six days there will be at least two on. We will be covering the entire section from MP 80-135 on I-5, MP 1-29 on 138E, and MP 77-40 on Hwy 42. The start and end date will vary depending on the weather; however, once winter starts impacting, we will go to two and two, with Wednesday being the day that overlaps as listed above. We will have weekend day coverage within South Douglas. One person will be on ten-hour shifts that include both Saturday and Sunday.
If Snow Level is at 2000 ft
- We will have two plows:
- One with deicer and one with a sander mounted at Canyonville and at Shady.
- We will have two plows: one with a sander and one with the deicer tank mounted.
- No chain-up needed unless we feel conditions could be worse than predicted.
- 4 plows ready, 4 un-mounted.
- We will have two people on at Canyonville and one at Shady until the snow hits, and then we will have crews ready to fill all plows mounted.
- One person will be on Canyon Mountain, one on Stage, and one on Camas Mountain. If we need help, we will call Boswell and Davis Slough as needed.
If Snow Level is at 1500 ft
- We will have three plows:
- One with deicer and two with sanders mounted at Canyonville and at Shady.
- We will have three plows: two with sanders and one with a deicer tank mounted.
- Require a chain-up at Glendale when snow levels are predicted at 1500 ft or below, with an expected snow accumulation equaling greater than one inch on Sexton Pass.
- See chain-up plan for details.
- 6 plows ready, 2 un-mounted.
- We will have three people on at Canyonville and one at Shady until the snow hits, and then we will have crews ready to fill all plows mounted.
- One person will be on Canyon Mountain, one on Stage, one on flats, and one on Camas Mountain. If we need help, we will call Boswell and Davis Slough as needed. See chain-up plan for additional details.
If Snow Level is at 1000 ft or Below
- We will have three plows:
- One with deicer and two with sanders mounted at Canyonville and at Shady.
- We will have four plows: three with sanders and one with a deicer mounted.
- Require a chain-up at Glendale and Canyonville when snow levels are predicted at 1000 ft or below, with an expected snow accumulation equaling greater than one inch on Sexton Pass or Canyon Mountain.
- 7 plows ready, 1 un-mounted.
- We will have three people on at Canyonville and two at Shady until the snow hits, and then, as needed, we will call others to fill the rest of the plows.
- We will have one on Canyon Mountain, one on Stage, the other assisting with the flats, one at Camas Mountain, and the other on Roberts Mountain.
- We will call on Boswell and Davis Slough as needed.
Predicted 34 Degrees or Lower
- Nov 1st: We will have one deicer with plow loaded.
- Dec 1st: We will have one deicer and one plow and sander mounted at Canyonville and at Shady. We will have one plow with a deicer tank mounted.
- 3 plows ready, 5 un-mounted.
- We will have two people on deicing everything as needed before it freezes on I-5, 42, and 138E, according to the maintenance manual.
Note: We will mount more plows and sanders as needed depending on the type of storm coming in.