How to Listen

How to listen to the various radio feeds of The Roseburg Receiver

How to Listen

Our feeds cover the entire county including Fire Dispatch, Douglas County Sheriff, Oregon State Police, Oregon Department of Transportation, Search and Rescue, DFPA, US Forest Service and so much more! We are only going to continue to cover more over time. We cover more than 5,000 square miles (the size of Douglas County) of radio traffic.


Broadcastify is our main platform for streaming scanner audio, including both our primary feed and a variety of dedicated feeds tailored for you.

You can listen to Broadcastify using their dedicated mobile app (search for "scanner app" in your app store) or directly online from your computer.

One common question we get is, “Why do you have so many dedicated feeds?” The answer is simple: scanners can only listen to one channel at a time. If multiple channels are active and talking simultaneously, the scanner will stop on the first one it hears. This means you could miss important information happening on other channels.

To avoid that, we created dedicated feeds that allow each channel to stream independently. This ensures you hear as much information as possible without interruptions.

The only downside of Broadcastify is that their feeds have a slight delay of 2-5 minutes. However, the reliability and accessibility of the platform make it the best option for streaming scanner audio to the community.

We’re committed to helping you stay informed!

For the main feed, our scanning frequencies can be found here.


Next are our dedicated feeds. I have worked hard to build additional infrastructure that streams audio to a dedicated server I’ve deployed specifically for this purpose. Unlike third-party services, this solution is fully managed by me, ensuring reliability and control.

The biggest advantage of these direct feeds is that they have virtually no delay—less than 10 seconds. This is critically important for our first responders in the field, especially those who may lack reliable radio coverage, as well as for volunteers who don’t have access to a radio.

During emergencies, every second counts. A 2-5 minute delay can mean missing vital information, particularly in a large-scale incident where events unfold rapidly. Direct feeds eliminate that delay entirely, allowing you to stay informed in real time when it matters most.

You can either listen to these links in your browser or use an application on your computer such as VLC.


Next is OpenMhz. OpenMhz uses a platform called “Calls”, which allows us to upload each individual radio transmission as it happens. When someone keys up on the radio and finishes speaking, that audio is immediately uploaded and made available to play.

The standout feature of OpenMhz is the ability to listen live and replay instantly. This is incredibly useful, especially if you missed part of a transmission, didn’t fully understand what was said, or went online after an emergency call. With OpenMhz, you can quickly replay past events and get up to speed with what’s happening in the area.

It’s a powerful tool for staying informed and ensuring you never miss important details.


We also have other other ways to listen (Also no delays!). YouTube you can listen to practically any device - phone, tablet, smart tv, even your car if you have bluetooth. You can listen and watch the scanner to determine what channel is speaking. YouTube is up 24/7, but is broken up into 12 hour segments so that each segment is recorded and can be replayed. Facebook live is every weekday morning. You will see it each morning right before "The Morning Scoop".


You can listen to ALL of the links above on your phone; however, there are also many scanner apps in the app stores that have us listed. Here are just few, but there are several more out there.

In the app, search for "Douglas County Public Safety" (Our main feed) as well as Law 1, Law 2, Douglas County Fire Dispatch, Oregon State Police, Oregon Department of Transportation, Douglas Fire Protective Association, US Forest Service - Umpqua National Forest, The Roseburg Airport - We own all of these!