Listen To Our Dedicated Feeds!
Listen to our Live Stream Dedicated Feeds!

You can listen to each of our feeds independently on this page! Want to listen to multiple at the same time? No problem! Click the play button for each one you want to listen to.
Want to know what frequencies are scanned for our main feed? You can find that information here.
Main Scanning Feed
Douglas County Sheriff - Law 1
Douglas County Sheriff - Law 2
Douglas County Fire Dispatch
Douglas Fire Protective Association (DFPA)
Douglas Fire Protective Association (DFPA) Red Net
Douglas Fire Protective Association (DFPA) White Net
Oregon State Police - Roseburg
Watch our Stream!
This is similar to the Main Scanning Feed above, only you can view what station is playing in real time!
Listen on Your Own
There are so many other ways you can listen to our feeds. Please visit How To Listen and listen to us the way you want to!